
Six Sigma

Six Sigma is a management system for the continuous improvement of business processes and the minimization of process errors. The goal is to increase customer satisfaction, enhance process performance, and reduce costs. This method was developed by Motorola and has since become established in numerous companies worldwide.

Introduction to Six Sigma

Six Sigma is a comprehensive and flexible system for improving business processes. It was originally developed in the 1980s by Motorola and has since proven to be an effective tool for increasing process performance and reducing process errors. The core idea of Six Sigma is to achieve a low number of defects—maximally 3.4 defects per million opportunities—through statistical analysis and continuous improvement of processes.

Six Sigma Philosophy

The Six Sigma philosophy is based on three fundamental principles:

  1. Customer Focus: The expectations and needs of customers are the central focus. Companies must constantly improve their processes to increase customer satisfaction and meet market requirements.
  2. Process Orientation: Six Sigma focuses on improving the quality of processes to reduce errors and enhance performance. All processes are systematically analyzed, optimized, and monitored.
  3. Data-Driven Decision Making: Six Sigma is based on a systematic and data-driven approach. Decision-making is based on statistical analyses and metrics to achieve objective and traceable results.

The Six Sigma Methodology: DMAIC and DMADV

There are two main methods within the Six Sigma approach: DMAIC and DMADV. Both methods are structured and systematic approaches to improving processes and products, with DMAIC being used for existing processes and DMADV for new processes or products.

DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control)

DMAIC is an iterative, five-phase approach to the continuous improvement of existing business processes:

  1. Define: The goals, scope, and requirements of the project are defined and delineated.
  2. Measure: Existing process performances are measured and documented as a basis for improvements.
  3. Analyze: The causes of process defects or weaknesses are identified and analyzed.
  4. Improve: Improvement measures are developed, tested, and implemented to increase process performance.
  5. Control: The improved processes are monitored and controlled to ensure that the improvements are lasting and sustainable.

DMADV (Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, Verify)

DMADV is a five-phase approach for developing new products or processes that aims to ensure quality from the outset:

  1. Define: Customer needs and requirements as well as project goals are defined and prioritized.
  2. Measure: Customer needs and requirements are quantified to serve as a basis for the design.
  3. Analyze: Possible design alternatives are analyzed and evaluated to select the best solution.
  4. Design: The selected design is developed in detail and optimized.
  5. Verify: The design is tested and validated to ensure that it meets customer needs and requirements.

Six Sigma Roles and Certifications

In the Six Sigma concept, there are various roles that take on different tasks and functions depending on experience, training, and area of responsibility. The key roles are:

  • Champion: Executives who support and promote Six Sigma projects.
  • Master Black Belt: Experts who master Six Sigma methods and lead, train, and coach projects.
  • Black Belt: Professionals who lead and execute Six Sigma projects.
  • Green Belt: Employees who participate in and support Six Sigma projects.
  • Yellow Belt: Employees who have basic Six Sigma knowledge and act as team members in projects.

There are various Six Sigma certifications, which are based on the respective roles and have different requirements for training, experience, and examinations.


Six Sigma is a proven method for the continuous improvement of business processes and the minimization of process errors. By applying Six Sigma, companies can increase their process performance, enhance customer satisfaction, and reduce costs. The method has become established in numerous companies worldwide and offers a comprehensive framework for data-driven decision-making and process optimization.

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