Capacity planning

Keep all schedules perfectly in  sync

   Long term and
short notice
Philip Founder
The perfect schedule for all professional project teams. 🙌🏾
4.000+ teams trust awork with their projects

Quickly find available slots for   requests


Scheduling tailored to your needs so reliable! 🤓 

Custom availabilities
Adjust working hours according to individual schedules.
Automatic tracking
Use custom automations to keep track of budgets and progress.
Calendar sync
Integrate your calendar to use it across all your projects and schedules.
Include all absences in your planning. Sync Personio for even more convenience.
Knowledge base

Related questions

How do I start capacity planning in awork?
What is special about workload planning in awork?
Is awork suitable for long-term planning?
How can I organize spontaneous customer requests in awork?
How do team capacities become visible in awork?
How does awork's workload management help generate new projects?
How are different working time models managed?