
Portfolio Analysis

Portfolio analysis is a tool for evaluating and reviewing the composition of investments, assets, or projects of a company or an individual. It helps in determining the optimal allocation of resources, thus managing the profitability and risk of portfolios. Portfolio analyses are often conducted by fund managers, asset managers, private investors, and companies to monitor and improve the performance of their investments.

Portfolio Analysis: Methods and Models

There are various methods and models to perform a portfolio analysis. Some of the most well-known models include the BCG Matrix model, the McKinsey Portfolio model, and the Markowitz Portfolio model. Each model has its own approaches and focuses on the evaluation and analysis of portfolios.

BCG Matrix Model

The BCG Matrix model was developed by the Boston Consulting Group and is also known as the Growth-Share Matrix. It divides a company's portfolio into four different categories: Stars (high market share, high market growth), Cash Cows (high market share, low market growth), Question Marks (low market share, high market growth), and Dogs (low market share, low market growth). This categorization helps companies to distribute their resources more efficiently across different business areas.

McKinsey Portfolio Model

The McKinsey Portfolio model, also known as the Nine-Box Matrix, is an advanced version of the BCG Matrix. It evaluates business units based on two dimensions: market attractiveness and business unit strength. Market attractiveness is determined by factors such as market growth, market potential, competitive intensity, and market profitability. The strength of the business unit is measured by factors such as market share, product quality, brand image, and innovation capability. The model allows companies to visualize their business units in a nine-box diagram and thus create a better basis for decision-making regarding investments and resource allocation.

Markowitz Portfolio Model

The Markowitz Portfolio model, also known as modern portfolio theory, is a mathematical model developed by Harry Markowitz. It assists investors in designing their portfolios to achieve the best possible return at a given level of risk. It utilizes the diversification of investments to minimize risk. The core assumption of the model is that investors are risk-averse and therefore seek an optimal mix of risk and return in their portfolio.

Advantages and Limitations of Portfolio Analysis


  • Strategic decision-making: Portfolio analyses support decision-making regarding investments, resource allocation, risk management, and portfolio optimization.
  • Performance monitoring: The systematic monitoring of portfolio performance enables investors and companies to react promptly to changes and trends and make appropriate adjustments.
  • Risk management: The analysis of risks and the diversification of investments are central components of a portfolio analysis, contributing to minimizing potential losses and increasing profitability.


  • Simplification of reality: Portfolio analysis models are often simplified representations of reality, which can make it challenging to incorporate all relevant aspects and factors into the analysis.
  • Focus on quantitative data: Many portfolio analysis models are based on quantitative data and neglect qualitative factors that can also be relevant for the assessment of investments and business units.
  • Unpredictable events: External factors and unforeseeable events, such as political or economic crises, can affect the performance of portfolios and are not always considered in portfolio analysis.

In summary, portfolio analysis is an important tool for assessing and managing investments, assets, and projects. It aids in optimizing resources, risk management, and strategic decision-making. It is important to consider the respective advantages and disadvantages of the various models and methods and to conduct a careful analysis in order to make informed decisions.