Consulting and project implementation is also possible virtually. NAWIDA proves this with its central platform for sustainable future design in SMEs. The purely digital company specialises in AI and software-based solutions and corresponding consulting. In order to remain scalable in the face of the high complexity and multitude of projects, awork is an essential part of NAWIDA's strategy. Not least because an average time saving of over 20% has been achieved with awork in project management - strong! πͺ
Onboarding for virtual teams made easy
The NAWIDA team works completely remotely and is distributed throughout Germany. Since the company is scaling strongly, new employees regularly join the team. Due to the virtual structure, they have to be able to find their way around the running processes independently, quickly and easily and access relevant information in a targeted manner.
As part of the onboarding process, new team members should be able to recognise and understand how work is done in the company after a very short time. It was also important to make the added value of transparent project management clear to everyone and thus motivate them to actively participate and contribute. A specially created onboarding project in awork makes this possible and guides intuitively through internal processes, the work in the team and the project structure.
NAWIDA steuert sΓ€mtliche Projekte und Aufgaben zentralisiert in awork. Mithilfe der aufgabenbezogenen Kommunikation und Dokumentation fΓ€llt es allen im Team leicht, einen nahtlosen Austausch aufzubauen, aufrechtzuhalten und zu fΓΆrdern β auch ohne festes Office. Selbst bei vielen komplexen Aufgaben ist immer klar, welchen Status die Projekte haben, was bisher passiert ist und was als NΓ€chstes von wem zu tun ist. Ein groΓer Vorteil fΓΌr alle Beteiligten, egal ob Controlling, HR, Management, Design oder Kund*innen.
For Co-Founder and Chief Growth Officer Jan Tillmann, a particular highlight of the introduction of awork was to see how significantly the effort involved in onboarding, discussion and coordination was reduced. New employees immediately find their way around the new tool and the entire team has been noticeably more motivated since then.
[.b-testimonial]New employees have to be taken on board immediately and feel like using the tool accordingly. With awork, everyone finds their way around immediately and everyone enjoys contributing to project management.[.b-testimonial]

Scaling with automations and templates
Due to its growth-oriented business model, it was clear to NAWIDA that only scalable project management would be considered to achieve the desired goals. Functions such as reusable project templates and automations, as well as their simple and accessible usability were decisive in the selection. The high diversity of the different projects posed a challenge.
awork provides NAWIDA with the necessary structure to create a wide variety of services and project types in just a few clicks and to create them as templates. These are continuously supplemented, optimised and (of course) reused.
In particular, the existing flexibility in the creation and subsequent reusability of entire projects, task lists and workflows generates a high level of satisfaction in the work of the NAWIDA team. Thus, the IT consultancy is able to prepare even complex projects in detail in order to move forward efficiently and in a structured manner during their implementation.
With the help of smart automations, which can be created and used by the individual employees themselves, there is also more time for essential to-dos and focused work. Whether for quotations, the implementation or the invoicing of projects - in all project phases, the manual effort for repetitive activities could be reduced to a minimum.
[.b-testimonial]We simply have the need to set up meaningful project management. This is the only way we can be scalable and successful ourselves. awork and its accessibility for all employees perfectly supports us in further expanding our business model.[.b-testimonial]

Plan projects transparently and realistically
For a larger, virtual team, sensible capacity planning is crucial for the company's success - especially with a variety of different project types. NAWIDA uses calendar integration in combination with the planner in awork for this purpose. This makes it possible to plan in the short, medium and long term with the real resources of all employees. And even more important: to be able to keep to these plans afterwards.
This makes projects much more transparent and realistic to plan. NAWIDA particularly appreciates the optimised consultation with clients - whether during the bidding phase or in the middle of the project. Thanks to visual workload planning, a quick glance at the capacities is enough to make clear statements, such as the duration of a possible project or potential obstacles in its implementation.
Overload and idle time are detected and avoided at an early stage, as the private calendar planning of individual employees is also taken into account in their workload. Thus, the transparent resource planning in awork makes an important contribution to efficiency and at the same time to work satisfaction within the team.
[.b-testimonial]The topic of capacity planning is very important to us. With the planner in awork, it is easy to ensure that, on the one hand, no one is overloaded and, on the other hand, free capacities are quickly recognised and used.[.b-testimonial]

Fast response time to spontaneous requests
Information is key!
In project management, NAWIDA encounters a wide variety of spontaneous requests every day. These often require quick response times in order to continue to successfully build and develop the company.
Before working with awork in such cases, mail histories or folder structures often had to be searched for necessary information and reconstructed. Regular queries within the team were also the order of the day and misunderstandings were more frequent.
awork centralises all information on projects, tasks, teams and documents in one place. With the help of the search function, all employees can access this content quickly, easily and without restrictions. This makes the company more transparent, but also faster than ever before.
The result in numbers? An average time saving of around 20% in project management. Wow! π€©
[.b-testimonial]The greatest strength of awork is its flexibility of use. Above all, the search function is very helpful - by entering a term, anyone can immediately find the information they need from projects, tasks, documents or comments.[.b-testimonial]
