

Utilization is a term used in various fields such as production, economy, and IT to describe the degree of use of resources, capacities, or systems. Optimal utilization is important to ensure efficiency, profitability, and competitiveness. Measuring and controlling utilization is a central element of operational management and helps companies to use their resources effectively and to identify potential bottlenecks.

Detailed Description

Utilization, also called Utilisation, is a measure of the extent to which a resource or capacity is used. It is an important factor in various fields such as production, economy, transportation, and information technology (IT). Optimal utilization contributes to the improvement of operational efficiency, profitability, and competitiveness.

Production and Economy

In production and economy, utilization refers to the degree of use of production factors such as machines, facilities, labor, and raw materials. High utilization of production capacities can lead to an increase in the productivity and profitability of a company. On the other hand, too high utilization can lead to overload and performance degradation.


In transportation, utilization refers to the use of means of transport and infrastructures such as roads, rails, and public transport. High utilization can lead to a better use of the existing infrastructure, while excessive utilization can lead to congestion, delays, and environmental pollution.

Information Technology

In IT, utilization refers to the degree of strain on IT resources such as servers, storage, networks, and applications. High utilization of IT systems can lead to improved efficiency and cost savings. Conversely, too high utilization can lead to system failures, performance issues, and security risks.

Measuring Utilization

Measuring utilization is an important part of operational management and controlling. It is usually done by comparing the actual use of resources or capacities with the available or maximum possible capacities. Utilization can be expressed as a percentage value, as a ratio, or as an index.

To measure utilization, various key performance indicators can be used, such as:

  • Production utilization: Ratio of actual production to maximum production capacity
  • Labor utilization: Ratio of actual hours worked to available working hours
  • Transportation utilization: Ratio of vehicle kilometers or passenger kilometers to available transport capacities
  • IT utilization: Ratio of actually used IT resources such as CPU time, storage space, or bandwidth to available resources

Controlling Utilization

Controlling utilization is an essential part of operational management and strategic planning. The goal is to optimize the utilization of resources and capacities to achieve the highest possible efficiency, profitability, and competitiveness. This can be achieved through various measures, such as:

  • Adjusting production capacities or working time models
  • Introducing new technologies or processes to increase productivity
  • Optimizing traffic systems and infrastructures
  • Efficient management of IT resources and applications

Through continuous monitoring and control of utilization, companies can effectively use their resources, recognize potential bottlenecks, and quickly respond to changes in the market or demand.


Utilization is a central concept in various fields such as production, economy, transportation, and IT. Optimal utilization contributes to the improvement of efficiency, profitability, and competitiveness. Measuring and controlling utilization is an important part of operational management and helps companies to effectively use their resources and to identify potential bottlenecks.

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