
Utility Value Analysis

Utility analysis is a method for evaluating and making decisions in complex, multidimensional situations. It helps to compare different alternatives based on objective criteria and select the one that offers the highest utility value. This article presents the fundamentals, application areas, and implementation of utility analysis in detail.

Definition and Fundamentals of Utility Analysis

The utility analysis (also known as cost-benefit analysis or multi-attribute evaluation) is a decision-making method that aims to perform a rank-based evaluation of alternative actions. It is based on the assessment of multiple, often qualitative criteria and provides a transparent and comprehensible basis for decision-making. Utility analysis was developed in the 1970s and has since been used in many areas, such as site selection, product development, or investment planning.

Application Areas of Utility Analysis

Utility analysis can be applied in various areas and industries. Some typical application fields include:

  • Investment decisions
  • Site selection
  • Product development
  • Human resources management
  • Marketing strategies
  • Environmental protection measures
  • Transport and logistics planning
  • Risk management

Implementation of Utility Analysis

The implementation of utility analysis is divided into several steps, which are explained below:

1. Determination of Alternative Actions

In the first step, the different alternative actions that are to be compared are identified.

2. Selection of Evaluation Criteria

Next, the criteria according to which the alternatives are to be evaluated are determined. These should be as objective, measurable, and independent as possible. Criteria can include cost, quality, environmental compatibility, or customer satisfaction, for example.

3. Weighting of the Criteria

Since the criteria may have different importance for the decision, they are weighted. The weighting expresses the relative importance of a criterion in comparison to the others. Weighting can be determined, for example, by expert judgments, surveys, or statistical methods.

4. Evaluation of the Alternatives

In the next step, the alternatives are evaluated according to the established criteria. The evaluation can take place on a scale, for example, from 0 to 100, with 0 representing the worst and 100 the best value. The evaluation can also be carried out by expert judgments, surveys, or statistical methods.

5. Calculation of the Utility Values

The utility values of the alternatives are calculated by multiplying the evaluations of the criteria by the corresponding weightings and then summing them up. The utility value thus indicates the overall value of an alternative based on the evaluations and weightings.

6. Selection of the Best Alternative

The alternative with the highest utility value is selected as the best. It offers the greatest benefit compared to the other alternatives and should therefore be implemented.

Advantages and Limitations of Utility Analysis

Utility analysis offers several advantages:

  • It enables the structured and transparent evaluation of alternatives.
  • It takes into account multiple, including qualitative criteria.
  • It is flexible and can be adapted to different questions.
  • It is easy to understand and can thus also be used in communication with stakeholders

However, there are also limitations to utility analysis:

  • It depends on the subjective assessments of experts or respondents in the weighting and evaluation of the criteria.
  • The results can be influenced by the manipulation of weightings or evaluations.
  • Utility analysis is a simplified representation of reality and cannot take into account all aspects and interdependencies


Utility analysis is a useful method for evaluating and making decisions in complex, multidimensional situations. It can be used in many areas and provides a transparent and comprehensible basis for decision-making. However, the limitations of utility analysis should be considered and the results should be critically scrutinized accordingly.

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