
Stakeholder-Oriented Project Management

Stakeholder-focused project management is an approach that aims to consider the needs and expectations of all relevant stakeholders in a project to ensure its success. This article introduces the concept, explains its significance, describes the various phases, and explains how this approach can be implemented and applied in practice.

The Importance of Stakeholder Orientation in Project Management

The successful completion of a project significantly depends on stakeholder satisfaction. Stakeholder-focused project management supports the identification and analysis of the various stakeholders and enables their needs and expectations to be considered. This leads to higher acceptance and satisfaction of the participants and thus contributes to the successful implementation of the project.Involving stakeholders in the project process also increases transparency and strengthens trust in the project. This can lead to the early detection and resolution of potential conflicts, which in turn increases the efficiency and effectiveness of the project.

Phases of Stakeholder-focused Project Management

The implementation of stakeholder-focused project management occurs in various phases:

  • Identification of stakeholders: In this phase, all relevant participants who are directly or indirectly affected by the activities and outcomes of the project or that can influence them are identified.
  • Analysis of stakeholders: In the next step, the needs, expectations, and interests of the stakeholders are analyzed to gain a comprehensive understanding of the various claims. This can include interviews, questionnaires, or workshops, for example.
  • Prioritization of stakeholders: Subsequently, the stakeholders are prioritized according to their importance to the project. Factors such as influence, power, interest, and dependency play a role. Prioritization helps to use resources effectively and to make communication efficient.
  • Communication planning: Based on the prioritization, a communication plan is developed that determines how and in what form stakeholders will be informed about the project progress and involved in the decision-making process.
  • Implementation of stakeholder communication: Communication with the stakeholders is continuous and targeted. It is important to address the needs and expectations of the individual stakeholders and to ensure open and transparent communication.
  • Monitoring and adjustment: During the course of the project, stakeholder relationships are continuously monitored and adjusted as needed. This allows for timely responses to changes in the needs and expectations of stakeholders and to adjust the project accordingly if necessary.

Implementation and Application in Practice

To successfully implement stakeholder-focused project management, the following steps are recommended:

  • Embedding in corporate culture: Stakeholder orientation should be an integral part of the corporate culture. This also includes training and sensitizing employees to the importance of stakeholders in project management.
  • Integration into the project management process: Stakeholder orientation should be integrated into the entire project management process. This includes the identification, analysis, prioritization, and communication with stakeholders.
  • Use of methods and tools: Various methods and tools can be used to support stakeholder analysis and communication, such as stakeholder mapping, power/interest grid, or stakeholder dialogues.
  • Regular evaluation: Stakeholder relationships should be regularly evaluated and adjusted as needed to be able to respond to changes in the needs and expectations of stakeholders in a timely manner.

In conclusion, it can be said that stakeholder-focused project management is an important prerequisite for the success of a project. By considering the needs and expectations of all relevant participants, stakeholder satisfaction is increased, which in turn contributes to the successful implementation of the project.

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