
Project Start

The project initiation marks the beginning of a project, where all project participants lay the foundation for its successful completion. This includes defining the project goals, creating the project mandate, and establishing the project organization. Careful planning and preparation significantly influence the project start and contribute substantially to project success. The correct approach, communication, and collaboration at the project start are crucial for the project's further progress.


The project initiation is an essential step in project management, setting the course for a successful project. In this glossary entry, you will gain a detailed insight into the various aspects of starting a project and learn how to optimally shape it.

Definition and Importance of Project Initiation

During the project initiation, the fundamental framework conditions for a project are established. These include, among other things, defining the project goals, creating the project mandate, establishing the project organization, and planning the resources and budget.

Project initiation is of great importance as it creates the basis for further project success. Mistakes or ambiguities that arise at the beginning of the project can lead to delays, increased costs, or even project failure later on. Therefore, the project start should be carefully planned and prepared.

Procedure of Project Initiation

Project initiation is divided into various phases, which are briefly explained below:

  1. Initiation: In this phase, the project idea and the initial project goals are developed. This also includes identifying stakeholders and checking the project's feasibility.
  3. Project Mandate: The project mandate is a written agreement that contains all relevant information about the project. This includes the project goals, scope, time and budget specifications, as well as the roles and responsibilities of the project participants.
  5. Project Organization: In this phase, the project structure and role distribution are defined. This involves determining the project manager, project leadership, and project team, as well as assigning responsibilities and tasks.
  7. Resource Planning and Budgeting: Here, the necessary resources and the budget for the project are identified and planned. This includes personnel, materials, equipment, and finances.
  9. Kick-off Meeting: The kick-off meeting is a joint meeting of all project participants, where the project start is officially initiated. The project goals, procedures, and expectations are discussed, bringing all participants up to the same level of information.

Components of a Successful Project Initiation

A successful project initiation is characterized by various factors:

  • Clear Project Goals: The project goals should be Specific, Measurable, Accepted, Realistic, and Time-bound (SMART). They form the basis for all further planning and decisions in the project.
  • A Detailed Project Mandate: The project mandate should contain all relevant information about the project and serve as a binding basis for collaboration.
  • Efficient Project Organization: A clear structure and role distribution within the project team, as well as efficient communication and decision-making, are essential for project success.
  • Realistic Resource Planning and Budgeting: The planning of resources and budget should be based on realistic assumptions and include enough buffer for potential risks and uncertainties.
  • Successful Kick-off Meeting: At the kick-off meeting, all project participants should be brought up to the same level of information and motivated.

Common Mistakes at Project Initiation

To ensure a successful project start, some common mistakes should be avoided:

  • Unclear Project Goals: If the project goals are not clearly defined, this can lead to misunderstandings and incorrect expectations that jeopardize project success.
  • Lack of Communication: Open and transparent communication is essential to keep all project participants informed and avoid conflicts.
  • Unrealistic Planning: Unrealistic planning of resources, time, and budget can lead to delays and increased costs.
  • Inadequate Stakeholder Involvement: If the needs and expectations of stakeholders are not sufficiently considered, this can lead to resistance and problems during the project.


Project initiation is a crucial step in project management that lays the foundation for further project success. Through careful planning and preparation, clear communication and collaboration, and by avoiding common mistakes, the project initiation can be positively shaped, and project success can be ensured.

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