
Project Schedule

A project schedule is an important tool in the project management methodology that is used to depict and plan projects. It forms the basis for time coordination and resource management within a project. The goal is to clearly present all activities and milestones of a project, thereby enabling optimal control. In practice, the project schedule has established itself as an effective tool for avoiding mistakes and ensuring a successful project conclusion.

The Structure of a Project Schedule

A project schedule is typically represented as a network diagram or as a bar chart (Gantt chart). Both variants have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of the appropriate format depends on the specific project and individual requirements.

Network Diagram Technique

The network diagram technique represents the project schedule as a graph in which individual activities and milestones are depicted as nodes. The arrows between the nodes represent the dependencies between the activities. This technique allows for a detailed representation of the temporal relationships and enables the determination of critical paths and buffer times.

Gantt Chart

The Gantt chart, on the other hand, represents the project schedule as a bar chart where the activities and milestones are arranged as bars along a timeline. The length of the bars represents the duration of the respective activity, while the position of the bars indicates the start and end of the activity on the timeline. The Gantt chart is particularly suitable for the clear representation of projects with a large number of activities and allows for easy visualization of project progress.

Creating a Project Schedule

The creation of a project schedule consists of several steps, which are explained below:

  1. Definition of project goals: Before the project schedule can be created, the project goals must be defined and specified. This forms the basis for structuring and planning the project.
  3. Listing of activities: In the next step, all activities and milestones necessary to achieve the project goals are identified. It is important to consider both the content and the organizational aspects of the project.
  5. Dependencies and sequence: Subsequently, the dependencies between the activities are determined and a sequence is established in which the activities should be carried out. It should be noted that some activities can be performed in parallel, while others can only begin after the completion of a previous activity.
  7. Temporal planning: In the course of temporal planning, start and end dates as well as the required duration are determined for each activity. Internal and external influencing factors, such as the availability of resources or legal requirements, should be taken into account.
  9. Resource planning: Resource planning involves the allocation of personnel, materials, and financial resources to the individual activities. It is important to ensure that resources are used optimally and bottlenecks are avoided.
  11. Visualization: Finally, the project schedule is visualized in the form of a network diagram or a Gantt chart. This allows for easy communication and coordination of project activities.

Using a Project Schedule

A project schedule serves not only for planning but also for controlling and monitoring a project. During the course of the project, changes and adjustments may become necessary, for example, due to delays or changed conditions. The project schedule allows for quick identification of problems and supports the development of appropriate countermeasures. In addition, the project schedule can be used for communication with stakeholders and for documenting project progress.


The project schedule is a central element in project management and enables structured planning and control of projects. By visualizing activities, milestones, and dependencies, project managers and team members can better understand the course of the project and identify potential problems at an early stage. Continuous adjustment and updating of the project schedule contribute to the successful and efficient completion of projects.

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