
Determination of Staffing Requirements

Determination of staff requirements is an important process for companies to ascertain the need for employees and to ensure the optimal staffing structure. The determination of staff requirements helps to use resources effectively and to achieve company goals. In this glossary entry, you will learn more about the different methods of determining staff requirements and how they are applied in practice.

What is the determination of staff requirements?

The determination of staff requirements is a process that enables companies to ascertain the future need for qualified employees and to ensure the optimal staffing structure. Through a systematic analysis of the labor market, internal processes, and company strategy, companies can estimate the need for human resources and make corresponding personnel decisions. Therefore, the determination of staff requirements is a central part of personnel planning and control.

Goals of determining staff requirements

The determination of staff requirements pursues several goals, including:

  • Ascertaining the quantitative and qualitative staff requirements to ensure an optimal staffing structure.
  • Ensuring the availability of qualified employees to achieve company goals.
  • Identifying personnel bottlenecks and developing measures to resolve these bottlenecks.
  • Optimizing personnel costs through efficient personnel decisions.

Methods of determining staff requirements

There are various methods for determining staff requirements, which can be applied depending on the company size, industry, and company strategy. The following are the main methods presented.

1. Job plan method

The job plan method is based on the analysis of existing positions within a company. By creating a job plan that lists all positions and their requirements, companies can determine current staff requirements and identify personnel bottlenecks.

2. Ratio method

The ratio method uses statistical ratios to derive staff requirements. Historical data and forecasts are used to estimate future staff requirements. Examples of ratios include the number of employees per unit of sales or the number of employees per production hour.

3. Comparison method

In the comparison method, staff requirements are determined by comparing with other companies or industries. Benchmarks are used to set staff requirements in relation to the experiences of other companies.

4. Job analysis method

The job analysis method determines staff requirements based on the analysis of jobs. The various tasks and activities within a company are examined, and staff requirements are derived accordingly.

5. Expert estimation

Expert estimation is a qualitative method for determining staff requirements. Experts from various areas of the company are consulted to estimate future staff requirements.

The importance of determining staff requirements for companies

Effective determination of staff requirements is of great significance for companies, as it contributes to the efficient use of resources and the achievement of company goals. Companies that accurately determine staff requirements can avoid personnel bottlenecks, increase productivity, and optimize personnel costs. Furthermore, determining staff requirements enables structured personnel development and creates transparency about the labor market and their own resources.


The determination of staff requirements is a central process in personnel management and enables companies to ascertain the quantitative and qualitative staff requirements. Through a systematic analysis of the labor market, internal processes, and company strategy, companies can estimate the need for human resources and make corresponding personnel decisions. Therefore, determining staff requirements significantly contributes to achieving company goals and optimizing staffing structures.

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