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Snack release: Subtasks in templates, MOCO integration and @task notifications

Snack release: Subtasks in templates, MOCO integration and @task notifications
August 2023

Fancy some fresh features on the side? ๐Ÿฉ

Great! Because with our Snack release in August, you can look forward to some highly anticipated updates in awork. Create templates with subtasks, streamline your invoicing with the new MOCO integration, and communicate even faster with all team members involved in a task using โ€œ@taskโ€œ.


Enjoy the following features:

Subtasks in templates


Templates in awork are more popular than ever!

No wonder, as they save an incredible amount of time by minimizing repetitive manual tasks. When properly set up, they become a powerful tool for optimizing workflows and increasing your teamโ€™s efficiency.

However, one important aspect has been missing to make working with templates even better: Subtasks! Weโ€™ve got that covered now. From now on, you can use subtasks in project and task templates.

In short: Your templates now have no more limits! ๐ŸŒŒ


Improve structure in your templates thanks to subtasks and all their detail


New integration: MOCO ๐Ÿฉต awork


MOCO is a rising star in the world of agency software.

Thatโ€™s why weโ€™ve developed an integration that allows you to create invoices in MOCO directly from your awork time reports. Skip the effort of manual transfer, avoid the risk of errors, and save valuable time in the billing process (it takes only a few seconds from the evaluation in awork to the finished invoice in MOCO).

The MOCO integration also offers many customization options during the invoice creation. Choose the desired MOCO client, various layout formats, and specify details such as hourly or daily rates for individual items.

Once created, the new MOCO invoice can, of course, be further edited and finalized according to your preferences. The process from โ€œtime trackedโ€ to โ€œinvoice sentโ€ has never been faster. ๐ŸŽ๏ธ

A little peek behind the scenes: Weโ€™re already working on a Chrome Extension for MOCO in awork. This will soon allow you to directly record times from the awork interface into MOCO. More details coming soon!


An agencyโ€™s dream: The MOCO integration allows even faster workflows


Notifications via @task


Communication is key. ๐Ÿ—๏ธ

Especially the activity log within projects and tasks makes awork a reliable communication tool. Notifications play a crucial role in keeping everyone updated and fostering dialogue.

With the help of @-mentions, this gets incredibly easy. In addition to @workspace, @project, @team, and @user, thereโ€™s now a new option (drumroll ๐Ÿฅ): @Task.

When you create a new message under a task, you can now use @Task to directly notify all users assigned to it. This ensures your message reaches everyone and no one is left out. Nice!

โ€œHey @Task, have you all integrated your calendars? ๐Ÿค“โ€


Communicate as easy as ever with all users of a specific task


Coming soonโ€ฆ ๐Ÿ˜ˆ


Something big is coming!

Despite its TOP SECRET status, we can already reveal that our upcoming release is going to be a game-changer. The codename โ€œMonsterโ€ not only reflects the scale of the project but also our ambition: we aim to enhance the things that already make awork unique. More information will be regularly posted on social media in the upcoming weeks. ๐Ÿ‘€



We canโ€™t wait and will see you (very) soon.

Your awork team โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅ


[.b-button-primary] Try out all the new features now [.b-button-primary]

About the author
Talent Acquisition Lead
The bear-strong Panda update is here, bringing one of the most frequently requested features to life: a new task level, or more precisely, real subtasks.

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