Moritz Hamberger is the founder and CEO of the digital agency allesdigital. As a freelancer, he has built up the agency to create positive digital experiences for a wide variety of clients and to digitize internal processes. He is a slackline athlete and a big outdoor sports fan.
Topics of the episode
Our conversation will focus on these topics:
π How can I use digital tools effectively?
π Why does the hybrid working model work so well for allesdigital?
π Ownership and what's not working so well yet
π The zero-inbox email inbox
π Why internal mentors can be so helpful
Main takeaways
π Ownership is a must for good teamwork and for allesdigital it means that the project owner must be involved in every customer exchange.
π The integration and networking of digital tools to optimize workflows and avoid redundant data maintenance will only become more relevant.
π The use of digital communication tools and strategies such as "working out loud" can help to better involve team members and strengthen the sense of togetherness.
π Flexibility for remote working has great benefits for the entire team that go far beyond the individual's experience.
π Adapting corporate culture and structures to modern ways of working is necessary to succeed in the digital age. (More about best practices and learnings in hybrid work environments)
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Where to find the guest:
[.b-testimonial]Under no circumstances should we transfer this ownership in any way. So if I'm in charge of a project, under no circumstances should we have any meetings where we have to discuss this project and I'm not there without me.[.b-testimonial]

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Where to find our host:
[.b-testimonial]We are all part of teams that want to work well together and we can learn from each other. So let's do that. Transparency is always better than building walls.[.b-testimonial]

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