How many apps do you use every day? What if you could connect them all together? With Zapier, you can connect different cloud apps into complex workflows, saving you a lot of time.
With this time, you can focus on more important things. In awork, for example, you can automatically send times for billing or automatically create projects and tasks.
We have created an overview for you showing you just a few of the countless examples of how you can increase your productivity through Zapier.

Overview of the content:
What is Zapier?
Basically, you can use Zapier to connect over 1,000 apps to awork. And, you can do it without any programming knowledge! We have already created a few of the most popular Zaps (that's what these connections are called) for you. With these templates, it's even easier for you to become more productive.
Of course, it is also possible to create your own zaps. This is also very easy! If you're interested, here's a guide to setting up integrations.
How does Zapier work, and what do I have to do?
Zapier works in two ways: You can get information from awork (tasks or time tracking) and use it in another application. You can also use information from another application to create tasks in awork.
In a few short steps, you connect awork with Zapier. First, You need a Zapier account (the free version is sufficient for now) and, of course, your awork account (again, the free version is sufficient for now). Then select the two programs you want to connect and follow the instructions to set up your new Zap. Don't forget to test it later.
What can I connect - a few suggestions, please
To give you a taste of what awork can do in combination with Zapier, here are a few of our Zap templates.
awork and Google Calendar
For example, how about having new appointments automatically added to your Google Calendar as soon as you create a task with a deadline in awork? With the Zap "Google Calendar + awork" this is no longer a dream of the future.
awork and Excel
Who wants to manually copy data into Excel spreadsheets to analyze them? With the awork + Google Sheets integration, new working time entries are automatically entered into a Google Sheets table, so you can sort and analyze your time entries directly from there. Super handy!
awork and WordPress
A new comment on your blog, but you don't have time to address it right now, and then poof, it's forgotten. With the WordPress + awork integration, this won't happen to you anymore because as soon as you get a new comment, a matching task will be created directly in awork. And it is even possible to assign this task directly to the person who takes care of the comments on WordPress with love.
awork and emails
Support requests often come in via email. So that these important requests are not forgotten, you can have them automatically added in awork. You will receive a new IMAP mail, and Zapier will directly create a new task in awork using the subject and content.
Productivity is an Attitude!
Become more productive together with awork and Zapier - what are you waiting for? Sign up for Zapier for free and create Zaps that fit you and your tasks. There are so many possibilities! Remember: Productivity is an Attitude 😉